My first non-purple pattern! I made these to match the top down bonnet from helloyarn

Yarn: Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino, 55% Merino wool, 33% Microfibre, 12%
Size: 4 inch circumference, 3 inches long
Gauge: 26st/34 rows in 4 inches on size 3 (3.25 mm) dpn’s
Cast on 13 stitches using crochet provisional cast on. Work back and forth with 2 dpns
Purl one row
Short rows:
- K12, w&t
- p11, w&t
- k10, w&t
- p9, w&t
- k8, w&t
- p7, w&t
- k until you encounter wrapped stitch, pick up wrap and k2tog with stitch it was wrapped around, w&t (stitch will now be double wrapped)
- p until you encounter wrapped stitch, pick up wrap and p2togtbl with stitch it was wrapped around, w&t (stitch will now be double wrapped)
- k until you encounter double wrapped stitch, pick up wrap andk3tog with stitch they were wrapped around, w&t (stitch will now be double wrapped)
- p until you encounter double wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and p3togtbl with stitch they were wrapped around, w&t (stitch will now be double wrapped)
- k until you encounter double wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and k3tog with stitch they were wrapped around
- p until you encounter double wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and p3togtbl with stitch they were wrapped around
- k one row
Unzip provisional cast on and move stitches onto 4 dpns, 7 on the first needle, 6 on the second, 7 on the third, and 6 on the fourth.
Pm to indicate beginning of round
Knit every round until bootie measures 2 ¼ inches from the beginning of the toe
K all stitches on the first and second needle
Combine the stitches from the third and fourth needle onto one needle. These are the heel stitches.
Working heel stitches back and forth:
- K12, w&t
- p11, w&t
- k10, w&t
- p9, w&t
- k8, w&t
- p7, w&t
- k until you encounter wrapped stitch, pick up wrap and k2tog with stitch it was wrapped around, w&t (stitch will now be double wrapped)
- p until you encounter wrapped stitch, pick up wrap and p2togtbl with stitch it was wrapped around, w&t (stitch will now be double wrapped)
- k until you encounter double wrapped stitch, pick up wrap andk3tog with stitch they were wrapped around, w&t (stitch will now be double wrapped)
- p until you encounter double wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and p3togtbl with stitch they were wrapped around, w&t (stitch will now be double wrapped)
- k until you encounter double wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and k3tog with stitch they were wrapped around
- p until you encounter double wrapped stitch, pick up both wraps and p3togtbl with stitch they were wrapped around
- knit across
return heel stitches to 2 dpns and go back to working in the round
Pick up one stitch in the gutter between the fourth needle and the first needle (put picked up stitch on fourth needle), k across first and second needles, pick up one stitch in the gutter between the second and third needles (put picked up stitch on third needle), k to one stitch before end of round, k2tog
Next round: k across first and second needles, ssk, k to end of round
K 2 rounds even
(p 1 round, k 1 round) twice, p 1 round
Bind off all stitches loosely knit wise
Weave in ends
Cut two 12 inch pieces of yarn, thread each through one bootie right under the first purl round so that the ends come out in front about a half inch apart.
knot each end of the tie to prevent fraying and trim to desired length, tie in bow
w&t….wrap and turn (move next stitch to right needle, move yarn to the front on a knit row or to the back on a purl row, return stitch to left needle, turn work)
dpn…..double pointed needle
k2tog…..knit 2 together
k3tog…..knit 3 together
ssk.....slip slip knit (slip one stitch knitwise and then another stitch knitwise, return both stitches to left needle, knit them together through back loops)
p2togtbl…..purl 2 together through back loops
p3togtbl…..purl 3 together through back loops
pm…place marker